
An investigation into the relationship between self-worth, self-esteem, and music performance anxiety (MPA) for singers. 

Participation Information Sheet.

Music Performance Anxiety (MPA): “The experience of marked and persistent anxious apprehension related to musical performance” (Kenny, p. 433, 2011)

My name is Liz Shea. I am an experienced singing teacher and singer who is currently undertaking a part-time master’s degree in vocal pedagogy with the Voice Study Centre and the University of Wales, Trinity St. David (UWTSD). This research is my final project for my masters. My email address is

Mel Toy is my academic tutor, and her email address is

You are being asked to participate in this study as a skilled singer who is either training to become professional, or because you already are professional, semi-professional or aspiring to be. Your participation will contribute to the growing knowledge of music performance anxiety and its relationship with the self, namely self-worth and self-esteem. The information gathered during this survey will only be utilised for this study, and no personal or identifying information will be shared with anyone else. 

This survey is comprised of 3 sections and is multiple choice. The first section collects demographic information, the second is the Contingencies of Self-Worth Scale created by Crocker (2003) adapted for singers for this study, and the third is the Kenny Music Performance Anxiety Inventory created by Kenny (2023). There are 90 multiple choice questions in total. The entire survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete and is open until March 31st, 2024.

(PLEASE CLICK the URL below to fill in the Survey or cut and paste it into your browser, thank you so much for your help)